Thursday, September 24, 2015


You just watched a short video on why you should restart your computer. Please answer the following question for this weeks blog:

1. Do you agree or disagree with the advice, and why or why not.

Please answer in 2-3 complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


You just watched a video about what technology homes of the future will have. Please blog about the following this week:

1. Pick one technology listed in this video, and explain why this would be beneficial for your home.

Please answer in 2-3 complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


You just watched the top 5 gadgets that will be dead soon. This week, please answer the following questions in the blog:

1. Pick one gadget that you have, or if you don't have it, one that a family member or friend has. Write whether you agree or disagree that the gadget will be dead soon, and why or why not.

2. Choose another gadget that you or someone you know has that's not on the top 5 list, and write about whether you think this gadget will be dead soon, and why or why not.

Please write at least 2-3 complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The video you just watched listed the top 5 tech lies that we tell ourselves. Please blog about the following:

Pick 1 of the top 5 tech lies, and explain (in at least 2-3 sentences) whether you agree or disagree that with the lie, and why or why not. Please include the lie in your explanation.

Don't forget to write in complete sentences, with correct spelling and grammar.