Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The video you just watched listed the top 5 tech lies that we tell ourselves. Please blog about the following:

Pick 1 of the top 5 tech lies, and explain (in at least 2-3 sentences) whether you agree or disagree that with the lie, and why or why not. Please include the lie in your explanation.

Don't forget to write in complete sentences, with correct spelling and grammar.


  1. "Your private info will stay private." They wont stay private because there are hackers that can access them with a few easy tricks. Also if you send a picture or secret via txt, the person you sent it to could show others although you asked them not to.

  2. The tech lie I agree with is is the about selfies. Taking excessive selfies is not OK. The internet is over saturated enough wit useless information, we don't need to see you drinking an overpriced latte in Starbucks.

  3. I agree that it's not okay to take selfies. Mostly because we've gotten to the point where everyone taking them are now doing it without thinking. There is no point to taking a selfie every 15 minutes.

  4. I agree that your password's aren't safe if their all same. If you give a friend your twitter password for them to "hack" it, then that account can stay on their phone forever, until you get into their phone and log yourself out. They get all of your notifications and messages, and they also know your facebook and email password too.

  5. I agree with the reusing same password lie. I think many people who use the same password are more likely that when they lose their random youtube account, they than lose their steam, email, and etc. A lot of people I know use the same password, and it makes it a lot easier for hackers to soon take over all your accounts, and than you are left without anything online.

  6. -Its not okay to check your phone every time it buzzes
    I disagree because there is a reason why you have notifications in your phone, it could be an emergency or just a simple text, either way its meant to be seen.

  7. The #1 lie, believing your things are private online, is the one I agree with because there is some way that anyone could hack our accounts or whatever even if we think no one can. In my opinion, if you want your things to be private don't put it online in the first place.

  8. I agree with the tech lie on private doesn't stay private at all. Also i agree with it because reusing passwords are not a good thing to do.

    1. Tyion,

      You needed to pick 1 lie and tell my you agree or disagree with it.

  9. I disagree with the tech lie that its OK to use the same password because it is very insecure to use the same password for all your accounts. I believe this because not only would that allow hackers easy access to all your information it would also just be ridiculous to use the same exact password for all of your accounts.

  10. I do agree with the first lie, "your private info will stay private". Every information you put in social network will never be private and that could become a problem. Anybody could see his or her information, I don't think that would be something good.

  11. I chose the one about were your Facebook and other social media passwords will not remain private. I agree with this lie. I agree with it because your password can be hacked or leaked any day.

  12. i agree with the reusing the same password lie. If you pick the same password every time someone will eventually guess one of your passwords.

  13. Nothing will ever stay private if you post it. If you want it private don't post it to begin with.

  14. number one lie is privacy. your history will always be there, that's why you have to watch what you do or say..

    1. Alexis,

      You need to have a longer response, and use correct spelling/grammar and respond in complete sentences,

  15. I agree with number three because you don't always have to check your phone when it vibrates. My phone has vibrated many times before and when i looked there was no message or anything.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I agree with the tech lie, "You don't have to check your phone." If you're with someone you should not be on your phone the whole time, it's rude.

  18. i agree with the "you're not a digital hoarder" lie. you'd be surprised how much netflix i watch,

    1. Jessica,

      Good start. I need more content, and watch spelling

  19. I agree that nothing will stay private because anyone can pull up anything on the internet. And if you have the right stuff you can hook up any ones phone and see what has been sent and revived through their phone.

  20. i agree with the your stuff will stay private online lie because someone could hack your page if you have a Facebook or something and get all your information

  21. I agree that nothing you put online is private. Almost everybody goes online to check social media nearly everyday, and most people do so multiple times a day. Once you post something online, it is there forever, even if you delete it. If you do not want other people to end up seeing that post or picture, do not share it at all.

  22. That your private stuff will be not private i agree that some one will find some photos or videos and post them on some social media site or anything

    1. Tony,

      Answer in 2 complete sentences, Watch for spelling/grammar.

  23. I disagree with reusing the same password. you should always have different passwords just in case someone gets one of your passwords they don't have a password to every one of your accounts

  24. I have more than three passwords but, I forget the rest. So i agree with the same password thing , i'm just not going to log-out.

    1. Icis,

      This needs to be more complete. Watch spelling/Grammar.

  25. I agree with the number one because privacy can always become the worlds big show

    1. Annisha,

      This is incomplete. Write in at least 2 complete sentences,

  26. I agree with number five, about taking selfies is okay. I think taking selfies boosts up your self-esteem.

  27. I agree that the number one lie is privacy. Once you post something regardless if you delete it or not it will always be there, so basically think before you post something and realize its there forever.

  28. i agree with the password lie because if u have the same password for every social media account and one person knows ur password, then ur stuff will be HACKED on any account.

    1. You need to watch spelling/grammar, and this needed to be written in at least 2 separate sentences,

  29. I agree with the lie that people use the same passwords over and over, thinking that your password won't leak out. People do think that, in fact I am the same way for a few things. There are ways for people to get your password.

  30. "its not okay to check your phone every time it buzzes" I disagree because there can be an emergency at any time and if you're not home then that's the only way someone can be contacted.

  31. i agree with number 1 privacy is important to everyone.

    1. Jacob,

      This is incomplete. 2 complete sentences, and watch spelling.

  32. Digital hoarding I disagree with some of the things he said about digital hoarding because you can watch a series of shows when you're bored with nothing else to do.

  33. i agree with the phone buzzing thing. sometimes my phone buzzes for no reason and then the teacher hears then trips

    1. Mateo,

      Incomplete. It needs to be in 2 separate complete sentences, watch spelling and grammar.

  34. I agree with the phone buzz. Just because your phone buzzes doesn't mean you have to check. I check mine anyways and I bet other people do it also. Everyone is in love with their phones.
