Wednesday, September 9, 2015


You just watched the top 5 gadgets that will be dead soon. This week, please answer the following questions in the blog:

1. Pick one gadget that you have, or if you don't have it, one that a family member or friend has. Write whether you agree or disagree that the gadget will be dead soon, and why or why not.

2. Choose another gadget that you or someone you know has that's not on the top 5 list, and write about whether you think this gadget will be dead soon, and why or why not.

Please write at least 2-3 complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar.


  1. We have a dedicated GPS that we never use anymore because my whole family has smartphones, so we use those instead. I think alarm clocks will be dead soon, because most people just use their phones as alarms now.

  2. I own a gaming console, and I agree that it is dying. More, and more people are just buying a PC to play video games, and consoles are inferior to gaming PC in many ways. However I don'[t see them dying for a very very long time.

    One that's not on the list is smart watches, a newish thing that many people are getting into now, but like normal watches I don't see them lasting very long. My friend owns one, and he doesn't even touch it because it's a lot easier to do stuff on your phone.

  3. I disagree that the light bulb will die out. While the "smart" light bulbs seem fun, they also seem expensive. Also, it probably wouldn't be a smart idea to connect your lights to the internet, considering how much it can go out.

  4. 1) My mother has a dedicated GPS system but I believe it with be dead soon because of all the advancements with smart phones.

    2) A gadget that I have that was not on the top 5 list, that I believe will be dead soon is a dedicated home computer. I believe this because of all the advancements in technology that make it possible for us to do all the necessary jobs that a home computer would do but not have to do it while we are home.

  5. 1. Digital cameras may still be around for a while because of photography students.
    2. Cable will probably become obsolete soon because online streaming services like Hulu and Netflix are quickly becoming the norm.

  6. 1. I think that the dumb light bulbs will be dead soon because now lights can be turned on and off with phones and they have a lot more capabilities.

    2. I think that iPods and MP3 players will be dead very soon because now people use their phones and tablets to carry all their music and don't have separate devices.

    1. Yes, I agree. We have lots of old ipods around our house!

  7. 1- I agree that the digital camera will be dead soon because smartphones have the same or better resolution and its easier to just carry one device that can do it all.
    2- Cable services will be dead soon because its becoming more popular to stream your favorite TV shows and movies.

  8. The GPS is very helpful for anybody, I disagree it will be dead soon. It is very common to use.
    The gaming consoles, I think this are not that important, but they are very common to use as well.

  9. I disagree that the cameras will be dead, celebrities, models, and song artists need them for films, professional pictures, and video shoots, the camera's will just become more high tech. A gadget that was not on the list but will be dead soon are the non-touchscreen phones. Almost everyone now has either an iPhone or a Galaxy/Android. Which are both touch screen.

  10. It is true that most smartphones now have cameras that are as good if not better than point and shoot cameras. Plus with a smartphones you can just send the pictures with a text.

  11. My dad is a GPS user and he still uses the car GPS sometimes but often uses his phone now because of advanced technology in today's smartphones.

    A gadget that I think will be dead soon is...the alarm clock because of all the accessibility you have on a smartphone. It will be easier and quicker to do many things, but many gadgets will become dead soon because of the phones in today's technology.

  12. 1.i disagree that the Xbox and the Playstation will be dead soon. A lot of people like to play them online still.
    2.MP3 player- they will be gone because most people put the music on their phones because it is faster and easier

  13. My dad has a smart watch and yes i agree because my dad uses it all the time. so other fitness devices might come out of market soon.

    My mom still has one of the point and shoot cameras and i think that they still work good but i think their right because a lot of people are switching to their phones for better cameras.

  14. 1. One gadget they showed that I think will be dead soon is the GPS. Not a lot of people use GPS's anymore because we have smartphones that can do that for us. In my opinion, the people who still use GPS's will soon stop using them because our smartphones will be much faster as technology advances more and more.
    2. A gadget that wasn't shown on the video is the type of computers we use here in this classroom. I think these type of computers will be dead soon because eventually they will replace them will laptops or maybe even touch screen computers. Technology is advancing more and more everyday that we never know what they will have in the future.

  15. My dad has a smart watch and yes i agree because my dad uses it all the time. so other fitness devices might come out of market soon.

    My mom still has one of the point and shoot cameras and i think that they still work good but i think their right because a lot of people are switching to their phones for better cameras.

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  17. Me and my family have a gps, we no longer use it due to our smartphone.
    I also am not sure what else will die soon, because pretty much everything that has not been created recently, its no longer important.

  18. 1. smart phones are going to be dead soon to there going to have an smarter phone
    2. PlayStation because they already have the ps4 out in soon there going to have something else that better

  19. i disagree that Xbox and play station will be dead because everyone still plays game systems
    2.) iPod because everyone puts there music on there smart phones

  20. 1.My family has about 3 GPS's and we never use them, we use our phone's instead.
    2.I think alarm clocks will be dead soon, considering most people use their phones as clocks.

  21. My brother has a fit bit and i don't think it will be dead soon because people that are trying to loose weight or that are serious work out people use them. And I cant think of another gadget because as a new one comes out one becomes dead because everyone wants that new device.

  22. i think the gps is dead because every one uses their phones for directions so yeaah.
    i also agree that the camera one is dead to because everyone uses their phones for that as well.

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  24. 1)I have an Xbox one, we have light bulbs in my house, and my mom has one of those watch things. My grandma has one of those flip phone things. 2)My brother has a galaxy smart phone and I think those will go out in like 5 years because Iphone will get bigger.

  25. I believe point and shoot cameras will be dead very soon. Today, almost every cell phone has a very good camera. Many people don't want to have to carry multiple devices with them everyday, so they simply have smart phones because the phone does just about everything anymore.

    I also believe the iPod and mp3 players will be gone soon. Cell phones now come with built in apps to download music and we also have Pandora. Many people don't buy music devices anymore simply because they are built into the devices they use most throughout the day.

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  28. smart phones will never go dead in my opinion because they sell so well and make big money like apple products and galaxy.
    play stations and Xbox will not go dead either they will keep making them better and better.

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  30. 1.My mom has a point and shoot camera that she rarely even carries with her anymore due to her camera on her smartphone, so I think no one uses those anymore.
    2.A gadget that I think will be dead soon is a laptop or desktop computer because now they are making everything on a tablet.

  31. 1. Things like 3D oculus glasses are going to over rule game consoles.
    2. I think that computers are going to be around for a while because, we are just now updating to Chromebooks.

  32. 1) GPS will be going dead soon, i know for a fact my family hasn't used theirs in years.
    2) The home desktop computer. Everyone like easy, portable items. Plus, there isn't a huge demand for desktops because you have the whole internet access on your cell phone.

  33. I agree that the GPS device will be dead soon because so many people have smart phones now and they have a well advanced GPS that will speak to you and everything, and everybody most likely owns a smart phone so you can just use your smart phone. Something that will die soon is definitely flip phones, there's not much you can do on them besides take crappy pictures and play games and call or text but the Smart Phones have way more than that!! So I feel the flip phone will soon die because all the other technology is better and more advanced.

  34. My mother has a dedicated GPS that she often uses. She has more experience with a GPS than with a phone. I agree that the GPS will be dead soon because everyone uses their phones. A gadget that I have is a ps3 and I do not think that it will be dead anytime soon. You can use that gadget for many things.

  35. I think GPS are going dead because of smartphones because they are a newer thing.
    2 That video gaming will die soo and become on tv because the can have apps on the tv now

  36. 1. Cameras are going to be dead because everyone uses their smart phones to take pictures.
    2. Wrist watches are going to be dead because smart phones have the same and more improved features as a wrist watch.

  37. Cable services will be dead soon because none has time to sit around and watch tv. The GPS isn't going anywhere cause people still use that to this day.

  38. 1. GPS are going to be dead because are technology is getting better with are phones.

    2. XBOX 360 it will be dead because we have the XBOX 1 no one will buy the XBOX 360 anymore.

  39. My friend has a fit bit and he really enjoys it. I do not believe that it is going to die soon because they take a lot of time to make sure that they work. I have a Xbox One and i do not think it is going to die on me anytime soon because it is a very expensive and reliable console.

  40. 1. Both of my brothers have an Xbox 360 and I disagree that the system will be dead soon because it become more similar to the Wii system.
    2.An Amazon tablet I agree that tablets are dead because of the iphones.
