Wednesday, October 14, 2015


After watching the CNET video on the top 5 gadgets that are from the past, please answer the following question, in at least 2 complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar:

1. Pick one of the gadgets highlighted in the video, and blog about whether you think that gadget still has use today, or has it been replaced by another newer gadget.


  1. The iPad still has use today, for many things. Students still use them for classes, especially in college, teachers also use them.

  2. I beleive that the Apple iPod does not have any use today. It has been replaced by newer and better phones that can hold just as many songs as an iPod and you do not have to carry around another electronic device.

  3. I think that ipods have been replaced by just the normal smart phone. On the smart phones you can store all you music without another device.

  4. 1- Most people dont use ipods anymore, they were replaced by smartphones

  5. The apple ipad probably has been used this days still. It is something usefull many people use today.

  6. Of the five gadgets, I believe that the Nintendo Wii is still the most useful. While all the others have since been replaced by better technology, the Nintendo Wii still has a variety of features, including certain games, that cannot, or at least hasn't, been repulicated by the newer tech.

  7. Chromebooks are essentially netbooks. And so long as our school keeps making blood pacts with Google they'll still have use even though they're essentially more easily breakable gen one tablets but with no touch screen and a flimsy keyboard.

  8. I think the Apple Ipod does not have use anymore because people can just download the music to their phones andn other electronic devices.

  9. IPods are never being used anymore, the more apple smartphones they keep making, the more iPods aren't being used..

  10. the iPod does not have any use today because theirs new in better tech.

  11. I think iPad is still being used today but not as much as it was when it came out. In my opinion it will always be there with new models.

  12. Today nobody buys iPod's. This is mainly due to the fact that you can have all your songs in your smart phone.

  13. I think the apple ipod dont have use anymore because everyone downloads music off there phones.

  14. I think than an ipod dosn't have much use anymore. Newer phones and other things are used more.

  15. People rarely use iPods today. We now have smartphones and can store our music instead of buying it with an iPod.

  16. I think Ipods still have some use today but not near as much as it use to have. The reason for that I think is because most people have Iphones now.

  17. Now a days nobody is using Ipods , because you can just dowload your musics & games on your smart. Which made the Ipod slowly start to diasppear within the years.

  18. I think an Ipad still gets used and bought alot because when people are doing something that they have down time they play on it. Or if they have kids and they are somewhere they have games on the Ipad to keep the kids busy.

  19. the Ipad is still very useful to this day and are evolving to be better.

  20. Apple Ipod It has been replaced by are New Technology LIke are Smart Phones And Computers And tablets noone will use it anymore.

  21. The Ipod is rarely used today. Music is played on your phone. Also it is wiser to carry one item instead of multiple.

  22. I beleive that the ipad is still being usesd because they update it every once in a while to make it newer. I still know plenty of people that still use the ipad.

  23. today every body has a i pad. because they are like popular now that i could hold more gb in them and more music on them to

  24. I think still to this day that Apple IPads and IPods has a good use to todays world. From my point of view I dont think that Apple is going anywhere anytime soon.

  25. I believe that iPod's are not as popular as they were when they first came out. They use to be very popular but now a days most of everyone has a computer or a phone to listen to music.

  26. I think the ipod has been replaced because apple has came out with alot of new things such as ipads, iphones, and watches

  27. I belive the iPad is still VERY much used today. My mom and my dad have 2 and they literally never out them down.

  28. i think the wii has no use for today because no body plays it anymore and its just and old gaming system.

  29. The iPad because people are still using them today. Cause they come with upgrades now than when they first came out.

  30. I think the Wii is still useful for exercise but, it has been replaced with a Xbox connect in the past. Ipads are still useful today, I would know I have one.

  31. ipods are out of date people just use music apps now.

  32. I think the wii is not being used at all. It's not because better gaming systems came out like the PS3, PS4, and Xbox One.
