Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Dominoes drone delivery service:

You have just watched a video on how Domino’s pizza is experimenting with drone delivery of their pizzas. Please blog your answer to the following prompt, 2-3 sentences, paragraph form, correct spelling and grammar.

A drone seems like an efficient way to make deliveries for many items; however there are also obstacles and unforeseen problems that could cause the drone to malfunction upon the delivery. Can you elaborate on a reason why a drone would not be able to deliver the product it was intended to deliver?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


After watching the video about the development of the driverless cars, please answer the following question, in at least 2 complete sentences, in paragraph format, and correct spelling and grammar:

What do you think about having a driverless car? Would you like to have one, or not? Please tell me why you would or would not like to have a driverless car, along with an explanation of why or why not.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


After watching the CNET video on the top 5 gadgets that are from the past, please answer the following question, in at least 2 complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar:

1. Pick one of the gadgets highlighted in the video, and blog about whether you think that gadget still has use today, or has it been replaced by another newer gadget.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Do you think that you would want to eat with a local family while you were on vacation? Why or why not? What do you think about the apps that she talked about in the video? Would you use these apps? Why or why not?

Please answer in complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar, and at least 2 complete sentences.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


After watching the video about life on Mars, please answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that you could live on Mars, in the ice house that was depicted in the video?

2. What is the one thing that you would miss the most if you lived on Mars?

Please answer in complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


You just watched a short video on why you should restart your computer. Please answer the following question for this weeks blog:

1. Do you agree or disagree with the advice, and why or why not.

Please answer in 2-3 complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


You just watched a video about what technology homes of the future will have. Please blog about the following this week:

1. Pick one technology listed in this video, and explain why this would be beneficial for your home.

Please answer in 2-3 complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar.